The complex is intended for game physical exercises in the open air. The equipment consists of a platform installed on racks at 0.8 meters height. On one side, a ramp with railings approaches to the platform, on the other – gymnastic equipment, on the third – a slide.
Instructions for use
The product is recommended for using by children over the age of 12 years. The weight of one user should not exceed 60 kg. The complex for children with special physical needs can be installed at children’s playgrounds, in yards, in preschool and school institutions, as well as in other places that comply with the recommendations of the operating manual. Colorful colors, modern design will not leave indifferent any young researcher. Before using complex it is necessary to acquaint children with the rules of the game at the complex. When practicing, you need to hold onto the handrails. The recommended safety zone is 1.5 m in all directions from the projection of the product.
Movement on the board and structural elements not intended for this, as well as their use for other purposes. Do not use the equipment in adverse weather conditions (ice, snow, strong wind, hail, rain, etc.), under which there is a possibility to be injured. Complex for children with special physical needs InterAtletika T601- great choice of moderate outdoor exercise.